Lexy Rose


StretchWorks provides a form of body work called Fascial Stretch Therapy. A Fascial Stretch Therapy Session takes place on a massage table, with the practitioner taking the body through a series of sweeping movements and breath cues, increasing range of motion through the entire musculo-skeletal system. When the full length of our muscles and fascia is restored, the line of communication between our brain and our body is more efficient. This holistic practice provides an individual with a decrease in nagging pain, and an increase in functionality, power, and performance through the restoration of healthy movement patterns

Lexy Rose

StretchWorks provides a form of body work called Fascial Stretch Therapy. A Fascial Stretch Therapy Session takes place on a massage table, with the practitioner taking the body through a series of sweeping movements and breath cues, increasing range of motion through the entire musculo-skeletal system. When the full length of our muscles and fascia is restored, the line of communication between our brain and our body is more efficient. This holistic practice provides an individual with a decrease in nagging pain, and an increase in functionality, power, and performance through the restoration of healthy movement patterns
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The StretchWorks Experience

Every individual has a unique anatomy that is influenced by their daily life, former injuries, and genetic make-up.  This is why StretchWorks is customized and different not only from client to client, but also from day to day based on what a single body is currently enduring and physically reflecting.  Every session is inclusive of:

  • postural assessment standing, moving, and lying down
  • roller or ball release to a targeted area of need
  • Fascial Stretch Therapy
  • re-education of the nervous system through exercise or specific muscle activation (PNF)

This is not a passive treatment and requires that the client physically interact with the practitioner. While some sessions may be predominately spent on the table, the nervous system is best conditioned when exercise with pointed queuing and instruction is performed immediately following release work.  Please ask for more information on core based strength training if your current routine is lacking this vital physical health practice.

Services and Pricing

Fascial Stretch Therapy Pricing
  • Initial 75 Minute Assessment & Fascial Stretch - $95
  • 45 Minute Fascial Stretch Session - $70
  • 60 Minute Fascial Stretch Session - $85
  • 75 Minute Fascial Stretch Session - $100
  • 5 Pack of 60 Minute Fascial Stretches - $400
  • 10 Pack of 60 Minute Fascial Stretches - $770
  • 5 Pack of 75 Minute Fascial Stretches - $475
  • 10 Pack of 75 Minute Fascial Stretches - $900

*Packages ARE transferable, and may be shared among family members.  Intake paperwork and assessment must be done prior to a session for new clients.

Personal Training/Clinical Exercise Instruction

  • 60 Minute Strength Training Session - $85
  • 5 Pack of Strength Training Sessions - $400

*Your training session will begin with a quick assessment and equipment based muscular release to warm up, followed by Pilates core work, and functional strength training with an emphasis on making muscles long and strong.

In-Home Services

In-Home Training, Fascial Stretch Therapy & Group Sessions

*Please inquire for pricing

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  • 8:45 am - 2:30 pm


  • 8:45 am - 5:00 pm
Headshot photo of practitioner

Lexy Rose

StretchWorks provides a form of body work called Fascial Stretch Therapy. A Fascial Stretch Therapy Session takes place on a massage table, with the practitioner taking the body through a series of sweeping movements and breath cues, increasing range of motion through the entire musculo-skeletal system. When the full length of our muscles and fascia is restored, the line of communication between our brain and our body is more efficient. This holistic practice provides an individual with a decrease in nagging pain, and an increase in functionality, power, and performance through the restoration of healthy movement patterns

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CEO / Creative IT

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Kind words about

Lexy Rose

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

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CEO / Creative IT

Voluptate quibusdam consequatur magni et officiis praesentium. Velit aut consequatur commodi deleniti omnis sint. Consequatur aliquam laudantium nobis cum nisi. Est quia ut quo est rerum consectetur enim recusandae. In tempore molestiae illo quidem et s


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